Maryland Extensible Markup Language Test Plan and Certification for Competitive Gas Supply

Version 1.0
July 2011

Table of Contents


1. Introduction

1.1 Version Control

Version/Date Description
7/28/2011 Version 1 CGS Original Test Plan

1.2 Purpose of this Test Plan

The first goal of this Test Plan is to define objective criteria by which a competitive gas supplier ("CGS") may validate that it is creating Extensible Markup Language ("XML") transactions that adhere to uniform electronic transactions as described by the Maryland Competitive Gas Supply Process and Transaction Standards Manual ("Manual").

The second goal of this Test Plan is to define objective criteria for a CGS and a gas company ("LDC") to move into a production environment and begin competitive gas supply operations. This objective focuses on the process of testing CGSs' systems so they may begin uniform electronic transaction ("UET") communication with LDCs.

The third goal of this Test Plan is to define objective criteria for a CGS to validate that it is executing business processes as defined by Maryland Competitive Gas Supply Process and Transaction Standards. This objective focuses on testing UET communications between LDCs and CGSs.

1.3 Assumptions

  1. This test plan has been developed to assist LDCs and CGSs by providing examples of various transactions that may be certified for testing by each LDC.
  2. This test plan is designed to test UETs that CGSs and LDCs must exchange with each other.
  3. This test plan assumes that participants will use automated processes when testing. Any manual interaction required to complete testing must be documented and communicated to CGSs at the beginning of the testing cycle.
  4. This test plan only addresses electronic XML communication between LDCs and CGSs. It does not test the ability of either the LDC or CGS to render a bill or to validate the bill contents.
  5. Each LDC is permitted to test scenarios according to its specific system requirements. The uniform XML Test Plans containing LDC specific system requirements will be made available for CGSs to review prior to testing.
  6. The connectivity test will be performed with a sample of one outbound file per CGS.

1.4 Overview of Testing Process

  1. The CGS contacts the LDC to indicate their readiness to begin testing.
  2. The LDC will notify the CGS of the date testing will begin. The LDC is responsible for facilitating identification of exceptions to testing, by both the LDC and each CGS, as well as coordinating development of the testing schedule on a per-CGS basis.
  3. CGS will send test files through an LDC test environment.
  4. Each party will send these files to the other party through Internet XML, and notify the testing contact of the LDC or CGS that the files were sent.
  5. LDC and CGS shall validate against the XML schema to confirm that files comply with the appropriate schema.
  6. After testing has been completed successfully and is XML certified, the LDC will send a formal notice via e-mail.

2. Requirements of Testing Parties

In order to allow adequate planning, the CGS and the LDC must communicate before, during, and after testing in a mutually agreeable fashion. Prior to testing, the CGS shall provide a list of competitive gas supply services to the LDC they are expecting to offer. The LDC and CGS must cooperate to identify and resolve XML-related computer system problems. As referenced below, an LDC may be dealing with several CGSs concurrently, thus the LDC must maintain sufficient resources to provide the necessary information, communicate problems, and coordinate the test schedule. Prior to testing, the LDC will establish and provide a set of accounts with the necessary testing information for each CGS prior to the start of testing.

Prior To Test
  • CGS must be licensed by the Commission, and must have completed all necessary agreements and requirements with the LDC
  • Implement and maintain a test system
  • Provide CGS information to LDC
  • Identify the billing scenarios used with each LDC & notify the LDC of billing options to be tested. (Dual, Bill Ready, or Rate Ready)
  • Identify non-compliance areas, test exceptions, manual processes
  • Obtain test account numbers from LDC
  • Read LDC's detailed documentation and schemas posted on the LDC website prior to testing
  • Implement and maintain a test system
  • Provide CGS with all necessary agreements and requirements
  • Provide test account numbers to CGS
  • Maintain website testing documentation
  • Identify non-compliance areas, test exceptions, manual processes
  • Establish testing schedule start date
During Test
  • Participate in any required conference calls with each LDC during the test period
  • Keep up with test schedule established by LDC
  • Facilitate any necessary testing conference calls with CGSs in testing
  • Maintain testing requirements
  • Maintain Test schedule
  • Verify all test scenarios have been completed satisfactorily
After Test
  • Notify LDC of any additional use of XML transactions that were not used in the initial test plan
  • Notify LDC of expected date of first XML transaction request
  • Notify CGS of XML Certification
  • Maintain testing requirements
  • Notify CGSs of any major change to XML-related supplier web portal and billing systems
  • Testing CGS on additional XML transactions that were requested for use after initial testing
  • Notify CGS of production deployment

2.1 CGS Requirements

  1. Review the test plan as available on the Commission and LDC Website.
  2. Review each LDC's testing requirements documentation.
  3. Contact the LDC and request to be scheduled for testing.
  4. Obtain test account numbers and test plan from the LDC. Create and submit UETs according to the test plan for those accounts.
  5. Test scenarios for each billing method the CGS will offer.
  6. Participate in any required testing meetings held by the LDC.
  7. Send UETs according to schedule.
  8. Notify, via E-mail, the LDC when the CGS sends UETs. The LDC will notify the CGS when it sends UETs.

2.2 LDC Requirements

  1. In the event the LDC completes a major system upgrade which impacts XML processing, LDCs have the option to complete all internal testing before conducting any external testing with CGSs.
  2. Communicate a testing schedule to the CGS.
  3. Compile testing requirements and schemas specific to each LDC's test and production environment. Information should include URL's, schemas, and error messages.
  4. Provide a contact and an email address to which manual and automated protocol and exchange failure messages are sent.
  5. Send test account numbers to the CGS.
  6. Upon CGS request, provide sample bill prints to CGS testing Rate Ready or Bill Ready consolidated billing scenarios. This may be a sample bill with or without actual CGS test data or a general sample to provide the CGS a sample of the manner in which their charges will be presented on the LDC consolidated bill.
  7. Send UETs according to scheduled UET sequence. The LDC will notify the CGS via E-mail when the LDC sends UETs. When the CGS sends UETs, it will notify the LDC via E-mail.

3. Test Plan Components

3.1 Testing Schedule and Priority

The LDC and CGS shall begin enrollment and billing testing on the agreed upon date.

3.2 Certification

Certification is granted to a CGS by an LDC upon successful completion of all required XML testing scenarios. The LDC should notify the CGS via email upon successful completion of XML testing.

3.3 XML Transactions Subject to Testing

All transactions below that will be used by the CGS will be tested by the LDC.

Transaction Name

Legend: A - Account Number Change, C - Change, D - Drop, E - Enrollment, I - Cut Out in Error, R - Reinstate,
S - Switch, T - Terminate, X - Cancel

4. Overview of Test Scenarios

4.1 Internet Connectivity Testing Scenarios

LDC provides URL internet site in order for the CGS to ensure the username and password is working properly.

Internet Testing Goals

  1. Establish Internet XML connectivity for CGSs, including secure internet connections ("HTTPS").
  2. Validate that normal testing XML files can be sent.

4.2 Account Request and Bill Test Plan Scenarios

The test plan scenarios listed below are the foundation for Account Request and billing testing. Each LDC starts with this list and makes adjustments based on their business practices. For example, Bill Ready Utilities will waive all Rate Ready test scenarios. Parties may mutually agree to make exceptions to the test plan based upon the competitive gas supply services to be offered by the CGS. Any changes to test plans should be documented and communicated to CGSs prior to beginning testing.

Billing test scenarios are further categorized by the billing method. All scenarios for a particular consolidated billing method must be tested with any CGS planning to use that consolidated billing method.

4.3 Summary of Test Scenario Categories

Category Abbr Description
Account Requests E, D, C, X Tests primarily aimed at enrollment, drops, changes and cancels
Charges C Tests primarily aimed at charges, rates and usage
Rates n/a Tests primarily aimed at rates
Usage n/a Tests primarily aimed at usage
Financials n/a Tests primarily aimed at CGS remittance information
Write Offs n/a Tests primarily aimed at charges returned to CGS
Consumption Requests n/a Tests primarily aimed at historical usage

Legend: A - Account Number Change, C - Change, D - Drop, E - Enrollment, I - Cut Out in Error, R - Reinstate,
S - Switch, T - Terminate, X – Cancel, S - Switch, T - Terminate, X – Cancel

Test scenarios are identified according to the category above.

4.4 Summary of Billing Method Test Scenario Categories

Category Description
Dual Billing Tests aimed at the dual billing method, where the both the LDC and the CGS are calculating and sending their own bills to customers.
Rate Ready Consolidated Tests aimed at the rate ready LDC consolidated billing method, where the LDC is calculating and sending consolidated bills to customers.
Bill Ready Consolidated Tests aimed at the bill ready LDC consolidated billing method, where both the LDC and CGS are calculating their bills, and the LDC is sending consolidated bills to customers. This may include Budget Billing and Non Budget Billing charges.
CGS Consolidated (Bill Ready) Tests aimed at the CGS consolidated billing method, where both the LDC and CGS are calculating their bills, and the CGS is sending consolidated bills to customers.

5. Test Scenarios

Actual results will be documented by the testing parties. If actual result is different than expected result, testing will continue until results match expectations.

5.1 Internet Connectivity Scenario

Internet: Connectivity Test
Test the ability to send an XML UET via the Internet standard protocol.
Account #:
Party UET Description Expected Result Actual Result
CGS Any CGS uploads any type of XML file to the LDC to test connectivity. File should have correct header information for the LDC CGS receives successful message from LDC.
LDC LDC responds with an XML file to complete connectivity test CGS successfully downloads the XML file.

5.2 Account Request to LDC Scenarios

5.2.1 Failed Enrollment by CGS (E) – invalid account number Bill: ANY
Test an enrollment where the account number on the Account Request Transaction cannot be found in LDC's customer database as a valid account number. This enrollment request must be rejected.
Account #:
Party UET Description Expected Result Actual Result
CGS ACCOUNT_RQST_TO_LDC Enrollment: Create and upload enrollment request with an account number that does not exist in LDC's customer database Request File created and uploaded to LDC
LDC ACCOUNT_RESP Enrollment Response: LDC will process request and create a response rejecting the enrollment due to an invalid account number Response file with –reject code: R0023: Invalid Account Number
5.2.2 Failed Enrollment by CGS (E) – not first in Bill: ANY
Test an enrollment where the account number is valid and an already a pending enrollment for this customer account with another CGS within the account administration window and the enrollment is rejected.
Account #:
Party UET Description Expected Result Actual Result
CGS ACCOUNT_RQST_TO_LDC Enrollment: Create and upload enrollment request with an account number that exists in LDC's customer database Request file: created and uploaded to LDC
LDC ACCOUNT_RESP Enrollment Response: LDC will process request and create a response rejecting the enrollment due to invalid first in Response file with reject code: R0032: Invalid First In
5.2.3 Enrollment by CGS (E) within the current account request window Bill: ANY
Test an enrollment where the account number is valid and the enrollment is accepted.
Account #:
Party UET Description Expected Result Actual Result
CGS ACCOUNT_RQST_TO_LDC Enrollment: Create and upload enrollment request with an account number that exists in LDC's customer database Request file created and uploaded to LDC
LDC ACCOUNT_RESP Enrollment Response: LDC will process request and create a response accepting the Enrollment Response file with Effective date and Accepted code: A0001 Accepted.
5.2.4 Enrollment by CGS (E) outside the current account request window Bill: ANY
Test an enrollment where the account number is valid and the enrollment is outside the enrollment window where the result of the enrollment is accepted.
Account #:
Party UET Description Expected Result Actual Result
CGS ACCOUNT_RQST_TO_LDC Enrollment: Create an enrollment request with an account number that exists in LDC's customer database and upload it after the enrollment window closes Request file created and uploaded to LDC
LDC ACCOUNT_RESP Enrollment Response from LDC: LDC will accept the Enrollment Response file with subsequent Effective date and Accepted code: A0001 Accepted
5.2.5 Drop by CGS (D) Bill: ANY
Test a CGS Drop where the account number is valid and the Drop is accepted.
Account #:
Party UET Description Expected Result Actual Result
CGS ACCOUNT_RQST_TO_LDC Drop: Create and upload drop request with an account number currently active with CGS Request file created and uploaded to LDC DropTermReason to Display S1
LDC ACCOUNT_RESP Drop Response from LDC: LDC will accept the Drop Response file with Effective date and Accepted code:  A0001 Accepted
5.2.6 Failed Drop by CGS (D) – account is not currently with CGS Bill: ANY
Test a CGS Drop where the account number is valid but the customer account is not currently with the CGS and the Drop is rejected.
Account #:
Party UET Description Expected Result Actual Result
CGS ACCOUNT_RQST_TO_LDC Drop: Create and upload request with an account number currently not active with CGS Request file created and uploaded to LDC  DropTermReason to Display S1
LDC ACCOUNT_RESP Drop Response from LDC: LDC will reject the request Response file with reject code R0001 – Account Not Active For This Supplier Accepted
5.2.7 Change by CGS (C) Bill: ANY
Test a CGS Change where the account number is valid and the Change is accepted.
Account #:
Party UET Description Expected Result Actual Result
CGS ACCOUNT_RQST_TO_LDC Change: Create and upload request with an account number currently active for CGS Request file created and uploaded to LDC
LDC ACCOUNT_RESP Change Response from LDC: LDC will accept the Change Response file with acceptance code A0001 – Accepted
5.2.8 Cancel by CGS (X) Bill: ANY
Test a CGS Cancel where the account number is valid and the Cancel is accepted.
Account #:
Party UET Description Expected Result Actual Result
CGS ACCOUNT_RQST_TO_LDC Cancel: Create and upload cancel request with an account number currently active for CGS Request file created and uploaded to LDC
LDC ACCOUNT_RESP Cancel Response from LDC: LDC will accept the Cancel Response file with acceptance code A0001 – Accepted
5.2.9 Failed Cancel by CGS (X) – no pending transaction exists Bill: ANY
Test a CGS Cancel where there is no prior transaction and the Cancel is rejected.
Account #:
Party UET Description Expected Result Actual Result
CGS ACCOUNT_RQST_TO_LDC Cancel: Create and upload request with an account number not active with CGS, nor enrolled in the current active enrollment window Request file created and uploaded to LDC
LDC ACCOUNT_RESP Cancel Response from LDC: will be rejected with the Cancel Response file with reject code R0049 – No Updates to Process

5.3 Account Request to CGS Scenarios

5.3.1 Drop by LDC (D) Bill: ANY
Test a LDC Drop where the account number is valid and the Drop is sent to CGS.  This occurs when a Nonresidential Customer requests to terminate their relationship with the supplier.
Account #:
Party UET Description Expected Result Actual Result
LDC ACCOUNT_RQST_TO_CGS Drop: Create request with an account number currently active with CGS and place on website for CGS to download Request file created and placed on website for CGS to download.  <DropTermReason> displays L4
CGS ACCOUNT_RQST_TO_CGS CGS downloads request file and processes CGS able to download request file and process
5.3.2 Termination by LDC (T) Bill: ANY
Test a LDC Termination where the account number is valid and the Termination is sent to CGS.  This occurs when a customer's LDC service account is closed.
Account #:
Party UET Description Expected Result Actual Result
LDC ACCOUNT_RQST_TO_CGS Termination: Create request with an account number currently active with CGS and place on website for CGS to download Request file created and placed on website for CGS to download.  <DropTermReason> displays L1
CGS ACCOUNT_RQST_TO_CGS CGS downloads request file and processes CGS able to download request file and process
5.3.3 Cutout in Error by LDC (I) Bill: ANY
Test a LDC Cutout in Error where the account number is valid and the Cutout in Error is sent to CGS.  This occurs when a customer is finaled by the LDC in error and subsequently restored.
Account #:
Party UET Description Expected Result Actual Result
LDC ACCOUNT_RQST_TO_CGS Cutout in Error from LDC: LDC sends a Cutout in Error Account RQST to CGS created and sent to CGS "re-established"
CGS ACCOUNT_RQST_TO_CGS CGS downloads request file and processes CGS able to download request file and process
5.3.4 Account Number Change by LDC (A) Bill: ANY
Test a LDC Account Number Change that is sent to CGS.  This occurs when the LDC changes a customer's account number.
Account #:
Party UET Description Expected Result Actual Result
LDC ACCOUNT_RQST_TO_CGS Account Number Change from LDC: Create a request with an account number currently active with CGS and place on website for CGS to download Request file created and placed on website for CGS to download
CGS ACCOUNT_RQST_TO_CGS CGS downloads request file and processes CGS able to download request file and process
5.3.5 Switch by LDC (S) Bill: ANY
Test a LDC Switch where the account number is valid and the Switch is sent to CGS.  This UET changes the customer's supplier.
Account #:
Party UET Description Expected Result Actual Result
CGS ACCOUNT_RQST_TO_LDC Enrollment: Create and upload enrollment request with an account number that exists in LDC's customer database currently enrolled with a different CGS Request file created and uploaded to LDC
LDC ACCOUNT_RESP Enrollment Response: LDC will process request and create a response accepting the Enrollment Response file with Effective date and Accepted code:  A0001 Accepted
LDC ACCOUNT_RQST_TO_CGS Switch from LDC: LDC will create a request file to notify original CGS of the termination date of the customer enrolled by new CGS Request file created and placed on the website for the original CGS
CGS ACCOUNT_RQST_TO_CGS Original CGS downloads request file and processes Original CGS able to download request file and process
5.3.6 Switch/Reinstate by LDC (S/R) Bill: ANY
Test a LDC Switch/Reinstate where the account number is valid and the Switch and Reinstate is sent to CGS.  This UET returns a customer to the original CGS prior to the switch when a new CGS has canceled its enrollment.
Account #:
Party UET Description Expected Result Actual Result
CGS ACCOUNT_RQST_TO_LDC Enrollment: Create and upload enrollment request with an account number that exists in LDC's customer database currently enrolled with a different CGS Request file created and uploaded to LDC
LDC ACCOUNT_RESP Enrollment Response: LDC will process request and create a response accepting the Enrollment Response file with Effective date and Accepted code:  A0001 Accepted
LDC ACCOUNT_RQST_TO_CGS Switch from LDC: LDC will create a request file to notify original CGS of the termination date of the customer enrolled by new CGS Request file created and placed on the website for the original CGS
CGS ACCOUNT_RQST_TO_LDC Cancel:  New CGS creates request for an account enrolled in the same enrollment window Request file created and uploaded to LDC
LDC ACCOUNT_RESP Cancel Response:  LDC will process the request and accept the Cancel Response file with Effective date and Accepted code:  A0001 Accepted
LDC ACCOUNT_RQST_TO_CGS Reinstate Request: LDC will create a request for the original CGS Account RQST to CGS Request file created and placed on the website for the original CGS
CGS ACCOUNT_RQST_TO_CGS Original CGS downloads request file and processes Original CGS able to download request file and process

5.4 Rate Change by CGS Scenarios

5.4.1 Rate Change by CGS (C) Bill: Rate Ready
Test customer Usage Data, Rates and Charges information sent from LDC to CGS to be placed on customer's bill for Rate Ready customer.
Account #:
Party UET Description Expected Result Actual Result
LDC USAGE_DATA Usage Data from LDC: Create a request with an account number currently active with CGS Request file created and placed on website for CGS to download
CGS USAGE_DATA Usage Data Request:  CGS downloads request file and processes in system CGS successfully downloads request file and processes in system
CGS RATECHANGE_RQST Rate Change Request: creates request Request file created and uploaded on the LDC website
LDC RATECHANGE_RESP Rate Change Response: Request file processed by LDC.  Response file generated for CGS Response file with acceptance code A0001 – Accepted placed on the website for the CGS to download
LDC CHARGES_RQST_TO_CGS Charges Request from LDC: creates request file for an account number currently active with CGS Request file created and uploaded on the LDC website
CGS CHARGES_RQST_TO_CGS Charges Request: CGS downloads request file and processes in system CGS successfully downloads request file and processes in system
5.4.2 Failed Rate Change by CGS (C) Bill: Rate Ready
Test a Rate Change from CGS with an invalid Supplier Group Number or Supplier Code causing the Rate change to be rejected.
Account #:
Party UET Description Expected Result Actual Result
CGS RATECHANGE_RQST Rate Change Request: creates request file with an invalid SupplierGroupNumber and/or SupplierCode and uploads to the LDC website Request file created with invalid SupplierGroupNumber and/or SupplierCode and successfully uploads the file to the LDC website
LDC RATECHANGE_RESP Rate Change Response: LDC will process the file and reject the rate change Response file with reject code R0037 – Invalid Supplier Code OR R0038 – Invalid Supplier Group Number

5.5 Usage, Charges and Financial Scenarios

5.5.1 Usage by LDC Bill: ANY
Test customer Usage Data sent from LDC to CGS.
Account #:
Party UET Description Expected Result Actual Result
LDC USAGE_DATA Usage Request: create file and posts to website for CGS to download Request file created and posted to website
CGS USAGE_DATA Usage Request:  CGS downloads request file and processes in system CGS successfully downloads request file and processes in system
5.5.2 Usage and Charges by LDC Bill: Bill Ready
Test customer Usage Data and Charges information sent from CGS to LDC to be placed on customer's bill for Bill Ready customer.
Account #:
Party UET Description Expected Result Actual Result
LDC USAGE_DATA Usage Request: create file and posts to website for CGS to download Request file created and posted to website
CGS USAGE_DATA Usage Request:  CGS downloads request file and processes in system CGS successfully downloads request file and processes in system
CGS CHARGES_RQST_TO_LDC Charges Request: CGS creates file and uploads to LDC website CGS creates request file and successfully uploads file on LDC website
LDC CHARGES_RESP Charges Response: Charges request is processed with response file created Response file with acceptance code A0001 – Accepted placed on the website for the CGS to download
5.5.3 Usage and Charges by LDC – CGS submitted after window Bill: Bill Ready
Test customer Usage Data, Charges, and Financial Data sent from LDC to CGS for Bill Ready customer received after the 72 hr window.
Account #:
Party UET Description Expected Result Actual Result
LDC USAGE_DATA Usage Request: create file and posts to website for CGS to download Request file created and posted to website
CGS USAGE_DATA Usage Request:  CGS downloads request file and processes in system CGS successfully downloads request file and processes in system
CGS CHARGES_RQST_TO_LDC Charges Request: CGS creates file and uploads to LDC website after 72 hour window CGS creates request file and successfully uploads file on LDC website
LDC CHARGES_RESP Charges Response: Charges request is processed with response file created Response file with acceptance code A0001 – Accepted placed on the website for the CGS to download.  Charge to appear on customer's subsequent bill
5.5.4 Financial Data by LDC Bill: Bill Ready
Test customer Usage Data, Charges, and Financial Data sent from LDC to CGS for Bill Ready customer.
Account #:
Party UET Description Expected Result Actual Result
LDC USAGE_DATA Usage Request: create file and posts to website for CGS to download Request file created and posted to website
CGS USAGE_DATA Usage Request:  CGS downloads request file and processes in system CGS successfully downloads request file and processes in system
CGS CHARGES_RQST_TO_LDC Charges Request: Create file and uploads to LDC website CGS creates request file and successfully uploads file on LDC website
LDC CHARGES_RESP Charges Response: Process request file and creates response file.  File uploaded to LDC website CGS creates request file and successfully uploads file on LDC website
LDC FINANCIAL_DATA Financial Request: Create request file and post to LDC website to be downloaded Request file created and posted to website
CGS FINANCIAL_DATA Financial Request:  CGS downloads request file and processes in system CGS successfully downloads request file and processes in system
5.5.5 Financial Data by LDC Bill: Rate Ready
Test customer Usage Data, Charges, and Financial Data sent from LDC to CGS for Rate Ready customer.
Account #:
Party UET Description Expected Result Actual Result
LDC USAGE_DATA Usage Request: create file and posts to website for CGS to download Request file created and posted to website
CGS USAGE_DATA Usage Request:  CGS downloads request file and processes in system CGS successfully downloads request file and processes in system
LDC CHARGES_RQST_TO_CGS Charges Request: Create file and uploads to LDC website CGS creates request file and successfully uploads file on LDC website
CGS HARGES_RQST_TO_CGS Charges Request:  CGS downloads request file and processes in system CGS successfully downloads request file and processes in system
LDC FINANCIAL_DATA Financial Request: Create request file and post to LDC website to be downloaded Request file created and posted to website
CGS FINANCIAL_DATA Financial Request:  CGS downloads request file and processes in system CGS successfully downloads request file and processes in system
5.5.6 Usage Cancellation by LDC Bill: Bill Ready
Test customer Usage Data, Charges, and Financial Data sent from LDC to CGS with cancelled and rebilled usage for Bill Ready customer.
Account #:
Party UET Description Expected Result Actual Result
LDC USAGE_DATA Usage Request: create file and posts to website for CGS to download Request file created and posted to website
CGS USAGE_DATA Usage Request:  CGS downloads request file and processes in system CGS successfully downloads request file and processes in system
CGS CHARGES_RQST Charges Request: Create file and uploads to LDC website CGS creates request file and successfully uploads file on LDC website
LDC CHARGES_RESP Charges Response: Process request file and create response file.  File uploaded to LDC website LDC process request file and creates response file with acceptance code: A0001 Accepted and posts to LDC website
LDC USAGE_DATA Usage Request: create file with cancel/rebill usage and post to website for CGS to download Request file created and posted to website
CGS USAGE_DATA Usage Request:  CGS downloads request file and processes in system CGS successfully downloads request file and processes in system
LDC FINANCIAL_DATA Financial Request: Create request file and post to LDC website to be downloaded Request file created and posted to website
CGS FINANCIAL_DATA Financial Request:  CGS downloads request file and processes in system CGS successfully downloads request file and processes in system
5.5.7 Usage Cancellation by LDC Bill: DUAL
Test customer Usage Data sent from LDC to CGS with cancelled and rebilled usage for Dual customer.
Account #:
Party UET Description Expected Result Actual Result
LDC USAGE_DATA Usage Request: create file and posts to website for CGS to download Request file created and posted to website
LDC USAGE_DATA Usage Request:  CGS downloads request file and processes in system CGS successfully downloads request file and processes in system
5.5.8 Usage Cancellation by LDC Bill: Rate Ready
Test customer Usage Data, Charges and Financial Data with cancelled and rebilled usage sent from LDC to CGS for Rate Ready customer.
Account #:
Party UET Description Expected Result Actual Result
LDC USAGE_DATA Usage Request: create file and posts to website for CGS to download Request file created and posted to website
CGS USAGE_DATA Usage Request:  CGS downloads request file and processes in system CGS successfully downloads request file and processes in system
LDC CHARGES_RQST_TO_CGS Charges Request from LDC: creates request file for an account number currently active with CGS Request file created and uploaded on the LDC website
CGS CHARGES_RQST_TO_CGS Charges Request:  CGS downloads request file and processes in system CGS successfully downloads request file and processes in system
LDC USAGE_DATA Usage Request: create file with cancel/rebill usage and post to website for CGS to download Request file created and posted to website
CGS USAGE_DATA Usage Request:  CGS downloads request file and processes in system CGS successfully downloads request file and processes in system
LDC CHARGES_RQST_TO_CGS Charges Request:  CGS downloads request file with cancel/rebill charges and processes in system CGS successfully downloads request file and processes in system
CGS CHARGES_RQST_TO_CGS Charges Request:  CGS downloads request file and processes in system CGS successfully downloads request file and processes in system
LDC FINANCIAL_DATA Financial Request: Create request file and post to LDC website to be downloaded Request file created and posted to website
CGS FINANCIAL_DATA Financial Request:  CGS downloads request file and processes in system CGS successfully downloads request file and processes in system
5.5.9 Consumption Request by CGS Bill: ANY
Test pre-enrollment historical usage information request from CGS using valid Bill Account Number.
Account #:
Party UET Description Expected Result Actual Result
CGS CONSUMPTION_RQST  Consumption request: create file using a valid account number and post to LDC website Request file created and posted to LDC website
LDC CONSUMPTION_RESP Consumption response: LDC processes request in system, creates response file, and posts to LDC website LDC process request file and creates response file with acceptance code: A0001 Accepted and posts to LDC website
5.5.10 Consumption Request by CGS Bill: ANY
Test pre-enrollment historical usage information request from CGS using Account Name and Account Address.
Account #:
Party UET Description Expected Result Actual Result
CGS CONSUMPTION_RQST Consumption request: create file using a customer name and service address and post to LDC website Request file created and posted to LDC website
LDC CONSUMPTION_RESP Consumption response: LDC processes request in system, creates response file, and posts to LDC website LDC process request file and creates response file with acceptance code: A0001 Accepted and posts to LDC website
5.5.11 Consumption Request by CGS Bill: ANY
Test pre-enrollment historical usage information request from CGS using invalid Bill Account Number.
Account #:
Party UET Description Expected Result Actual Result
CGS CONSUMPTION_RQST Consumption request: create file using an invalid account number and post to LDC website Request file created and posted to LDC website
LDC CONSUMPTION_RESP Consumption response: LDC processes request in system, creates response file, and posts to LDC website LDC process request file and creates response file with reject code: R0022 Invalid Account Name and Service Address and posts to LDC website

5.6 Write-Off Data View Scenario

5.6.1 Write Off Data to CGS Bill: Pro Rata
Test a write-off file sent by the LDC to the CGS. Write-offs occur when the Billing party stops collection efforts on the Non-Billing party charges.
Account #:
Party UET Description Expected Result Actual Result
LDC WRITEOFF_DATA Writeoff request: Create request file and post to LDC website to be downloaded Request file created and posted to website
CGS WRITEOFF_DATA Writeoff Request:  CGS downloads request file and processes in system CGS successfully downloads request file and processes in system